Student Leadership
Student Leadership

Student Leadership in Loyang View
We believe our student leaders can be confident leaders with a heart, and a passion to serve to make a positive difference. Our student leadership programmes provide opportunities for them to develop and demonstrate their leadership competencies, dispositions and values. Our curriculum is grounded in Barry Posner and James M. Kouzes’ Leadership Challenge where Student Leaders take ownership in the conceptualisation, planning and enactment of projects and events.
Our Student Leadership comprises four tiers:
Student Councillors
CCA Leaders
Peer Support Leaders
Class Leaders
The Student Council, being the representatives of the student population, works closely with various stakeholders to foster a vibrant and caring community. Student Councillors develop and hone their leadership skills throughout the year with their involvement in school events, projects and functions. They serve as advocates for school improvement, provide the voice of the student body, and lead student-initiated activities. As ambassadors of the school, they serve with passion to exemplify the school values and inspire others.
CCA Leaders lead and serve in their areas of passion, in their CCAs. They play a part in strengthening culture, promoting a sense of belonging and striving for excellence in their CCAs. CCA leaders are given continuous coaching by their CCA teachers and mentors. They work closely with CCA teachers to plan, implement and lead training programmes, as they role model perseverance and adaptability.
Peer Support Leaders (PSLs) play an important role in building positive peer relationships, looking out for their peers and fostering a strong sense of belonging to class and school. They listen actively, respond with empathy, manage conflicts, and encourage early help-seeking and positive coping strategies. PSLs also serve as advocates for student well-being programmes and lead student-initiated activities as they contribute to a caring school culture.
Class Leaders are formally appointed by form teachers to lead and serve in their classes. Their role is to foster a positive culture in their respective classes. Leadership training workshops on how to build a caring class community are conducted to equip them with practical knowledge. Class leaders are given opportunities to design and implement rapport-building activities for their classes throughout the year.
CCA Open House

Class Leaders' Investiture

PSL Sharing

Sec 1 Orientation

Student Leaders' Investiture