Learning For Life Programme (LLP)

Learning For Life Programme (LLP)
Sports and Outdoor Education
Embark on a transformative journey with our Learning for Life Programmes (LLP)- Embrace Character Growth Through Thrilling Sports and Outdoor Adventures! Through these adventures, students do not just build physical fitness, they also cultivate positive personal and social behaviours that mirror our school's core values, foster a profound sense of national identity, and nurture the spirit of global citizenship. We encourage students to think globally and act locally with unwavering ethics at the core, forge resilience and an unyielding drive for excellence. Our learning experiences and active participation in sports, physical activities, and outdoor adventures help shape our students into well-rounded individuals ready to embrace life's challenges while unlocking one’s full potential.
Level |
Level Focus & Outcomes |
Sec 1 |
Discovering my Strengths and Getting to know my Friends |
Sec 2 |
Working with Others, Working together |
Sec 3 |
Contributing to Community |
Sec 4 & 5 |
Empowering my Future and succeeding together |
Tier 1 (Masses)
Sec 1 CCA Talent Identification Process
Sports & Outdoor Education Programmes
Sec 1 Cohort Camp & Sec 3 Outward Bound Singapore
Level Sports Carnivals
Annual Cross Country Meet

Tier 2 (CCAs with Sports, OE elements)
Sports talent enhancement programme
Empowerment through Sports & Outdoor Education Programmes
Lead Tier 1 activities for juniors
Organize school events in line with Sports & Outdoor Education
Outdoor Adventure Activities (Both local and overseas)

Tier 3 (Talented Few)
Nurturing Talented Sports & Outdoor Enthusiasts e.g. National Youth Teams, Outstanding UG cadets
Provide platforms to nurture and realising maximum potential of our top talents
Match the RIGHT TALENT to the RIGHT CCA/Student Leadership role to Maximise Potential!