Education and Career Guidance
Education and Career Guidance in Loyang View is about equipping students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and values to make informed decisions at each key education stage for successful transition from school to further education or work.
Signature Programmes
Exposure Programmes
Our Sec 1 students embark on a journey of self-discovery by using the
information and tools on the SkillsFuture Portal and are made aware of
various job skills and occupations through assembly programmes and CCE
lessons. They identify their values, interests, personality and work values
based on the RIASEC profiling tool and relate to suitable career options.

ApLm@Schools Programme
Our Sec 2 students are provided with opportunities to explore their strengths
and interests, enabling them to make more informed career choices by signing
up for enrichment modules (e.g. Culinary, Digital Animation, F1 Engineering)
that include learning journeys to related industries for hands-on experience.
The students will present their learning and reflections as part of an
integrated showcase at the end of the 3-day experience.

ApLm@Poly & ITE Programme
Sec 3 students are provided with the opportunity to experience hands-on and project-oriented learning in the tertiary institutions to develop critical reasoning skills and gain better understanding of the fundamentals of select modules that they may be interested in pursuing either at the Polytechnic or ITE.

Future-Ready Programme
This programme provides our graduating students with valuable experiences
and equips them with the relevant knowledge and skills in their exploration
of educational pathways and future career options. As part of this programme,
our school arranges visits to tertiary institutions and invites guest speakers
from a range of industry sectors to speak with our students. In addition,
every student will also have an opportunity to visit an organisation of
their choice based on their preferred career sector.