Department Philosophy
The Physical Education Department believes that every child is unique and capable of achieving their own peak of excellence. Our mission is to guide students in discovering their talents and interests through personalised profiling and exposure to a wide range of games, physical activities, and outdoor experiences. We aim to cultivate leadership, resilience, and teamwork, empowering students to demonstrate physical skills and core values both individually and collaboratively. Our ultimate goal is to equip every student with the knowledge and practices for a lifetime of active and healthy living.
Signature Programme
Level Sports Carnivals

Our Sports Carnivals aim to inspire students to excel in sports games taught during PE lessons, while enhancing teamwork and class camaraderie through inter-class competitions. These competitions encourage personal growth, collaboration and a strong sense of class camaraderie.
Cross Country Meet

Our annual Cross Country Meet aims to promote endurance, resilience and appreciation for physical fitness in an outdoor setting. It encourages students to challenge themselves, set personal goals and embrace the benefits of outdoor activities. Through collaboration with our Parent Support Group and alumni, this event also fosters school unity and community spirit as students support one another in achieving their best in an outdoor environment.
Outdoor Adventure Learning Cohort Camps

Our Outdoor Adventure Learning Cohort Camps provide learning experiences that cannot be replicated in the classroom. They offer authentic contexts in which students apply what they have learnt from Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) and Outdoor Education in Physical Education (OE in PE) lessons. The richness and complexity of these experiences, such as working with their peers to overcome challenges or navigating in a new environment during a journey, allow them to extend and deepen their learning from the classroom into real life.