Values in Education
Our VIA programmes primarily aim to nurture a sense of social responsibility and enhance our students’ emerging 21st Century Competencies, so our students become active citizens who:
a) exhibit public-spiritedness and social responsibility
b) translate Loyang View core values into practice
c) are proactive at leading community services and
d) are innovative at providing meaningful services that meet the needs of the community
We adopt a comprehensive VIA Framework based on a 4‘A’ [Awareness, Action, Advocacy, Assessment] approach to support the development of character traits like compassion, responsibility, respect, resilience and integrity. There is also a thematic approach to the planning and implementation of VIA programmes to enable progressive development of contribution and values aligned to respective cohort focus.
Signature Programmes
Serving Society (Sec 1) - Visits to Lion Befriender Homes
Our Secondary 1 students engage with the elderly from Lion Befrienders Homes as part of their Values-in-Action (VIA) project. This activity is specially organised for our students to provide them with opportunities to connect with our elderly and gain valuable experiences through organising activities for them and interacting with them. Students share their reflections gleaned from this experience through an exhibit set-up coupled with presentations at the end of their visits.

Championing Environment Causes (Sec 2) - Urban Farming and Farmers' & Makers' Market
Our Secondary 2 students are involved in the planting and harvesting of
vegetables in our school urban farms. This authentic experience creates
opportunity for our students to develop their resilience, as well as acquire
knowledge on the importance of food security.

Connecting with Community (Sec 3) - Class Initiated VIA for Select Beneficiary
Our Secondary 3 students source for a suitable partner-organisation hat match their class interest for community service. Hence, the selected organisations serve different beneficiaries and are dependant on the cause that the class would like to champion for. Some of these organisations include Food Bank, Willing Hearts, Cat Welfare Society and NTUC Senior Day Care. This helps to deepen students’ understanding of various needs and concerns in our community as well as build empathy. To develop students as advocates to inspire and influence others to make a positive difference, they share their learning gleaned from the planning to the enactment through an assembly presentation to their peers.

Strengthening Social Infrastructure (Sec 4&5) - CNY Community Outreach
Our graduating students are involved in making Chinese New Year tokens largely using recycled materials which are given out to the residents in the neighbourhood. This rich authentic learning experience aims to encourage students’ voice, create opportunities for adaptive and inventive thinking and build confidence in effective communication as they engage with the community in the neighbourhood.