School Rules
To Discipline is to Care
Loyang View students are expected to exhibit the school values of Integrity, Respect, Resilience and Compassion in their words and actions.
The school aims to inculcate the school values in all students.
As such, an action is considered an offence when it is not in line with the school values. This translates to the following rules and regulations.
1. Flag Raising Ceremony
Students must show their respect to the Republic of Singapore by participating in the daily morning flag raising ceremony.
1.1 Students must report to school punctually for morning flag raising ceremony and morning attendance taking at the parade square.
1.2 Students who are Singapore citizens must show due respect to the symbols of our nation: Our President, State Flag, National Anthem and The Pledge.
1.3 Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart.
1.4 All students will recite the student creed with their right hand raised.
1.5 The school song will be sung during morning assembly on Tuesdays.
2. Attendance
2.1 Punctuality must be observed when reporting for school, lessons, examinations and any school activity. Students who are not present during attendance-taking at 8.30 a.m. on Mondays and at 7.30 a.m. on Tuesdays to Fridays will be considered late for school.
2.2 Leaving the school compound during school hours must be approved with written permission of the Principal or the Vice-Principal.
2.3 Absenteeism from school and CCA
2.3.1 A medical certificate must be produced on the day a student returns after his/her absence from school or CCA.
2.3.2 Letters from parents will only be accepted on a case-by-case basis.
2.3.3 All absenteeism without valid reasons will be treated as truancy.
2.4 Absenteeism from Examinations and Tests
2.4.1 A medical certificate must be produced on the day a student returns after his/her absence.
2.4.2 No mark will be given if a student is absent without a valid reason.
3. Attire
3.1 Students are expected to be appropriately and neatly attired at all times.
3.2 The school uniform, which consists of the school shirt/blouse or the school polo t-shirt, together with a pair of shorts, trousers or skirt, is to be worn in the proper manner whenever a student comes to school and at all schoolrelated activities, including those held during the school vacation or beyond the school premises. Should students choose to wear an outer clothing, they are only allowed to wear the school windbreaker.
3.3 Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
3.3.1 Skirts must be at knee level and not shortened at the hems or folded from the waistband.
3.3.2 Trousers must not be tapered at the ends, and they must be long enough to cover the ankle. The trousers may be altered to the appropriate length only.
3.3.3 All shirts/polo t-shirts/t-shirts are to be neatly tucked into the shorts/long trousers/skirts at all times.
3.3.4 Shorts/Trousers/Skirts which are deemed to be unacceptable will need to be changed.
3.4 The school badge must be worn on the left collar of the shirt/blouse.
3.5 School PE attire can only be worn during physical education lessons and CCA. The current year’s class t-shirts are allowed on specified school occasions.
3.6 Plain low-cut black canvas shoes with black shoelaces must be worn at all times. Sandals and slippers may only be worn if the student has a relevant medical certificate.
3.7 Plain white socks are to be worn above the ankle at all times.
4. Grooming
4.1 Hair must not be tinted or dyed.
4.2 For male students:
4.2.1 Hair length must be appropriate, neat and short. The overall hair appearance should be simply styled and well-kept. No fanciful haircut is allowed.
4.2.2 Hair at the sides must not touch the ears. The fringe must not fall below the eyebrows, and hair at the back must be above the collar.
4.2.3 Students must be neat in appearance, clean-shaven and no facial hair is allowed.
4.2.4 Jewellery or fashion accessories must not be worn.
4.3 For female students:
4.3.1 Shoulder-length hair or hair touching the collar must be neatly tied and pinned up at all times.
4.3.2 The fringe must not fall below the eyebrows.
4.3.3 Hair should be tied up in a ponytail or simple plaits.
4.3.4 Only black hair accessories are allowed.
4.3.5 Only a pair of small and plain ear-studs is allowed to be worn in the earlobe.
4.4 Nails must be short, clean and free of nail polish.
4.5 Make-up is not allowed.
4.6 Spectacle lenses and contact lenses must not be tinted.
4.7 No form of body piercing or body art will be allowed.
5. Classroom Expectations
5.1 Greeting and thanking teachers at the start and end of every lesson.
5.2 Cooperating with teachers during lessons to ensure teaching and learning can take place.
5.3 Leaving the classroom without a permission pass from teachers is not allowed during lesson. This is with the exception of recess and lunch break.
5.4 Keeping the classroom clean and in good condition is the responsibility of all students.
5.5 Being punctual for lessons is expected.
5.6 All files and books must be brought home at the end of each school day.
5.7 All students are to put their mobile phones in their lockers during lesson. Students are only allowed to use their phones during recess, lunch, and after school. Misuse of mobile phones during lessons would lead to the confiscation of students’ phones.
6. School Compound and Properties
6.1 The HOD room, staff rooms and staff toilets are out of bounds to students at all times.
6.2 Science laboratories, computer laboratories, and other special rooms can only be used by students under the supervision of a teacher.
6.3 Students are to observe the following rules at all times in the canteen.
6.3.1 Students are to queue according to the demarcations indicated in an orderly manner when purchasing their food or drinks.
6.3.2 Students are to return all plates and utensils to the designated
returning points.
6.3.3 Students are to keep the tables and benches clean at all times.
6.3.4 All food and drinks are to be consumed within the canteen only.
6.4 Fire extinguishers, fire hose reels and fire alarms are strictly for emergency use only.
6.5 Damage or misuse of school properties must be reported immediately to the teachers or Operations Manager (OM) at the General Office.
6.6 Mobile phones must not be used to take photos or record videos, unless permission is given by the school authorities.
7. Restricted Items
The following items are restricted, and must not be brought into school.
7.1 Lighters, matchsticks, and any inflammable items.
7.2 Poker cards and any card games.
7.3 Chewing gum.
7.4 Any other items which the school will communicate to all students from time to time.
8. Serious Offences
The following are serious offences. As such, offences listed below will not be tolerated by the school and strict disciplinary procedures will be taken against students who commit these offences.
8.1 Open defiance to any staff of the school.
8.2 Using verbal or body language that is detrimental to the tone of the school.
8.3 Inappropriate acts in or out of school that are detrimental to the good name of the school.
8.4 Forgery on any documents.
8.5 Bullying or cyber bullying.
8.6 Smoking or vaping or any form of substance abuse.
8.7 Possession of cigarettes, vaping devices or any form of drugs and inhalants not prescribed by certified medical practitioners.
8.8 All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which is used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
8.9 Possession of objects with sharp edges, which can be used as items to cause hurt to others.
8.10 Arson.
8.11 Extortion.
8.12 Truancy from lessons and school events.
8.13 Stealing and pilfering.
8.14 Acts of vandalism in the school.
8.15 Any forms of gambling.
8.16 Possession of pornographic material.
8.17 Cheating in tests and examinations.
8.18 Tattooing on any parts of the body.
The Principal/Vice-Principal and Student Management Committee reserve the right to make additions, amendments to the rules and actions taken.
Students’ conduct grade may be affected due to the following reasons, though not limited to:
o Irregular school and/or CCA attendance
o Frequent late-coming
o Committing offences